دبستان نردبان زندگی2024-04-28T12:28:35+04:30← Go back
Student’s Name | Elina Roh-Al-Amin |
Instructor’s Name | Atefeh Elahi |
Level | Phonics 1 |
Listening | Listening |
The learner can listen attentively to the teacher and peers. | Excellent |
The learner can listen attentively to the teacher and peers. | Excellent |
The learner can follow simple stories with understanding. | Excellent |
The learner can understand relevant questions. | Excellent |
The learner can listen to get specific details. | Excellent |
Speaking | Speaking |
The learner can repeat single words and simple phrases after a model. | Excellent |
The learner can produce simple words and sentences. | Excellent |
The learner can ask and answer simple questions. | Excellent |
The learner can have simple conversations. | Excellent |
The learner can respond to personal questions. | Excellent |
The learner can memorize songs and short stories. | Excellent |
The learner can use proper classroom language. | Excellent |
Reading | Reading |
The learner can recognize the sounds and letters. | Excellent |
The learner can recognize the tricky words. | Excellent |
The learner can read simple sentences. | Excellent |
The learner can read aloud with comprehension. | Excellent |
The learner can read by taking turns in a dialogue. | Excellent |
The learner can comprehend simple texts and stories. | Excellent |
Writing | Writing |
The learner can write simple sentences applying capitalization. | Excellent |
The learner can write one-word answers. | Excellent |
The learner can spell simple words correctly. | Excellent |
Vocabulary | Vocabulary |
The learner recognizes the meaning of words when s/he hears them. | Excellent |
The learner recognizes the meaning of words when s/he sees them. | Excellent |
The learner can name people, objects and animals. | Excellent |
The learner can recall words learnt previously. | Excellent |
Social development | Social development |
The learner can co-operate in a pair/ group. | Excellent |
The learner helps and respects others. | Excellent |
The learner communicates with ease with his/ her peers. | Excellent |
The learner works hard in class and takes responsibility for his/ her work. | Excellent |
The learner can do a project properly. | Excellent |
The learner observes classroom rules properly. | Excellent |
The learner applies taught values properly. | Excellent |
Exams | Exams |
The learner has completed his/ her oral General English quiz. | Excellent |